Originally posted by LabRat:
Oh, and I forgot - please don't cut and paste right from the script, even if you do look up the answer there
Just idly curious <G>, but is there a reason for this, Mel?

LabRat smile
I personally find it harder to determine if the person has the right answer if they post the script verbatim, Lab. I mean, a couple of the questions on this thread and a couple other quiz/quote/etc threads, the person just went to the script, cut and pasted about a page or so which contained the answer they wanted to give, and assumed that they got the question right. I'm not so smart as that! smile I'm a teacher; you have to give me a simple straight answer to the question so I can give you a check mark or a big red X, ya know - with 7 classes, containing 20 or 21 students each, I'd be correcting all day if I had to read a script for each question... Colour me stupid, I guess...

That, plus the two questions were not in the same location of the script in question - you give me a page of script for each part, we'd overload the server in a hurry.

That's my reasoning, and I'm sticking with it for now laugh And anyway, Kathy got the question right, so I'm off to see if I can answer hers now...

Melisma (under her Rock, wondering if she even made any sense there!)

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda