Ditto TeeJ. And wonderful parts, L!

I see Lois as tired of being fragile and tired of always having to be mindful and careful, and having Clark be the same.

If they're going to have a real marriage, an honest one, he has to be able to get mad. To blow up over who forgot to pay the bills or clean the litter box. The day in, day out stuff. And I can see him never doing this. Too aware of how menacing he would seem. So...he stays kind, supportive, and loving at all times- eventually driving Lois crazy.

My two cents, Leela, and by all means ignore it. I'm not trying to drive, I am so enjoying the ride. But the aversion therapy gives Lois the chance to control things. To push Clark to play at being angry so she can practice telling him apart from Kal, if only to reassure herself that she can.

I know he'll hate the idea. And like the burn, I'm certain he'll refuse, or try. But Lois looks to me like someone who is clearing the decks, about to get married, and wanting all the loose ends tied so she can do that and be...happy.

That was wordy! Sorry! In a nutshell: Wonderful, Leela. You and Lois just do what you have to do, I'll be here!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
