Hey guys!

I'm not expecting any huge cosmetic changes but a lot of things on the back.

Cosmetically, will be the addition of using a Captcha confirmation during the new using registration process, which will eliminate a lot, and I mean A LOT, of spam.

On the back end I'm expecting us to move to a database system instead of the file system we are currently on.

Right now what happens every time a new thread is started, a new file is created on the web server. So thinking about all the threads we have there's a txt based file for every single one of them. That's a lot of space being used.

This is a big change for us and I will have everything backed up just before they start the upgrade.

Matter of fact. I think I will shut the boards down around 8 AM EST time, run the back up and leave them in an "off" state until I get the go ahead that the upgrade is completed.

If UBB gives me an earlier start time expect the time I shut off the boards to change.

When and if I get more information from UBB I'll be sure to pass it on to all of you.

Annette wink
Boards Chief Administrator


"There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America." Bill Clinton, inaugural address, January 21, 1993