Bumping this with a reminder that the Fanworks Auction folder is open for offers until 1:00pm Eastern on Sunday! No more offers can be posted after that time. Bidding will open on Sunday evening US Eastern time.

And please keep offering - and accepting! - the wonderful gifts in the Swag folder.

Thank you from all of us involved in the fundraising effort. You're all helping to keep these websites open and running - between domain names, bandwidth and hosting, the L&C sites listed on the donation page cost around $330 a year eek Since the proceeds from the last fundraiser ran out, our generous webmistress has been paying this from her own pocket. It would be wonderful if we could raise enough to pay for the upgrade, the last two years of hosting, and at least five years' fees in addition. Go FoLCs Go! thumbsup

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*