Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
[b]If Clark drops an F-bomb, I'm not longer interested in the story, because the author does not understand the fundamental truths of who he is.
My Alt-Clark (Wrong Clark) is a bit more liberal with his language than canon Clark is, but I would never have him say, let alone think, THAT. I, too, attribute this to his upbringing after his folks died. I try not to have him swear outright (or even a blue streak as Lois is known to do, mainly because Christina would bash my head in with her OOC club), but he does THINK terms I can't imagine canon Clark thinking without blushing (even in regards to Lex Luthor). But he'll never drop any of the main 5 ones from George Carlin's list of 7 words people can't say on TV. (Not recommended for anyone who covers their ears for 'hell', but a VERY informative bit of comedy, even if slightly out of date.) /cowers from Christina's club for even bringing up the list/.

When Annie brought up the topic of Profanity, I believe she was referring to these specific words (mostly), which are considered profanity pretty much world wide. These are the type of words, which were originally used for intimidation and to cause fear in others and why they became risque`. They are the ones I could picture Martha washing out Clark's mouth with soap, had she ever heard him use them (when he was a child, and, some, even as an adult). None of those words are appropriate for most of the canon characters from LnC (although, I might make an exception for Cat... who would be wise enough not to use them in one of my stories or in the office.) While I could see some thugs saying them (but only in a Nfic), I would hope the character's stay in the story would be of short duration. [/b]
You bring up an interesting point, Virginia. And not one I'd considered. Alt characters get a pass from me, if only because their upbringing may have been completely different from canon characters. While I typically choose not to have them swear, I can imagine that in some universes, they might. Heck, in some universe out there, maybe Clark is completely evil and bent on enslaving the Earth before he meets Lois and has a change of heart. smile [/b]
That would make an awesome story!

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland