Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. I was awfully sorry to miss the Kerths yesterday, but for the first time since 2000 I wasn't able to be at my computer.

We've had several family semi-emergencies recently, and they were a higher priority than the Kerths, as hard to admit as that is. They have also made it next to impossible to write, but I'm happy to report that I am now at last only a few paragraphs short of being able to post again. (At long last!)

However, be that as it may, having been a reader of this board since 1999 (has it really been that long?!) I am well aware that the difference between a nominated story and a winning story is measured in microns, so those who didn't win should feel as proud of their nomination as the winners, themselves.

Thank you to all the writers of L&C fan fiction, who have kept me entertained for so many enjoyable hours all these years.

Nan Smith

Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.