Originally posted by Deadly Chakram:
Originally posted by Mouserocks:
[b] Ooh, games! I don't know how we missed this one but... Six degrees of separation (or "six degrees of Kevin Bacon," whichever title you'd prefer). You name an actor (not necessarily Kevin Bacon) and then you have to connect that actor to another one by people he(or she) has starred in a movie with in less than six connections. For example, if I wanted to connect, say, Mark Hamill to Owen Wilson, by random luck of the draw...

1. Mark Hamill
2. James Earl Jones
3. Jeremy Irons
4. Steve Martin
5. Eddie Murphey
6. Owen Wilson

Bonus points to anyone who can successfully explain how I connected them all! laugh
Mark Hamill played in Star Wars with James Earl Jones, who played in The Magic 7 with Jeremy Irons, who played in The Pink Panther 2 with Steve Martin, who played in Bowfinger with Eddie Murphy, who played in I Spy with Owen Wilson

(god I love IMDB - I couldn't get past the James Earl Jones and Jeremy Irons connection in The Lion King) [/b]
thumbsup Love all those movies- came up with Owen Wilson because I just rewatched I Spy a couple of weeks ago, and Mark Hamill because... well, because who can pass up a Star Wars reference? laugh

I won't call you on cheating for using IMDB (though if it were my family I would have...) :p

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain