I feel a little sheepish coming in after Corrina’s wonderful note above, but I really did want to add my congratulations to the nominees and winners. Honestly, everyone that participates in the unbelievably special fandom is a winner.

I also want to add my thanks to organizers of the Kerth awards and ceremony. This is one of the elements make this a very special place.

I’ve been on the internet since the early 90’s but never once felt moved to do anything more than lurk. It took a very special place and group of people to convince me to de-cloak and participate. This is truly a very, very special place. The people, the stories and the sense of community as epitomized by the Kerths are all reflections of how special this place is.

I am honored to have been a nominee and can hardly believe I won something. I feel fortunate to be a part of something so special.
