Yes I want Lois to survive. I just thought that Clark acted completely out of character.
And yes it was Lois idea but in my opinion Clark should have told Lois at least before freezing her to give her a chance to think about it (although they only had 30 minutes after Jace's last call).
I agree that he acted a little out of character, but I also think that, in order to go through with it, he needed to push the idea that she could've died to the back of his mind. He couldn't even consider fail at a time like this. He wouldn't possibly choose between her and his parents not in this or in other circumstances.

I just think he bought into the idea because Lois was feeling confident about and pressured him. Telling her would have been the right thing to do, but I think the urgency of the matter had to be taken into consideration.

Realization for him only came later when, thankfully, she was already safe.

"Work while you have the light. You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you."