[Linked Image] How sweet! This chapter made me happy! It's a girl! [Linked Image] Congratulations, Lois and Clark, and thank you [Linked Image], SQD & Jenni, for this beatiful story!!

Mira's birth brough more sweetness to story and to my life. Although when Clark told there wouldn't be a transplant, I wanted to shake him and to scream like Lois: Clark, you bastard, how you dare!? [Linked Image] We are all cheering for you since the beggining and now you want to die, you lunkhead!? [Linked Image] It isn't fair!!!

Fortunately, we have Lois, and Martha, and Jonathan, and Perry, and Sam, and <OMG!> until Ellen, [Linked Image] to make Clark to give up being so stubborn! [Linked Image]

Now I hope for the transplant... and for their dinner-in-bed, too! [Linked Image]


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15