OTOH still isn't finished and neither is the sequel so I'm afraid posting what I have in one shot would be even more frustrating wink .

UP - hopefully - will be finished this week and then back to OTOH to finish it. And if it's not finished early this week, probably back to OTOH anyway b/c I *will* run out of buffer next week [early Dec]. The last chapter - well, the one I'm currently writing - jumped 4 months unexpectedly, which is hurrying them along towards the resolution in the sequel faster than anticipated, but I'm not sure that jumping that far ahead is a good thing... /sigh/ But I can't really ask because that's giving too much away...

There is potential for, if not a sequel, then a companion piece [sort of along the lines of LtL: Lucy's Story, but not quite]. There's also sequel possibilities, but that one's more likely as all I've got for the sequel is an A plot thing and everyone knows I hate A plots...

There's also one that's been on my HD for nearly two years that I'm anxious to work on again... Everyone who's read what I have *loves* it but it needs major overhauling in parts so...
