Karen suggested:

Running a fingertip along his jaw, she added, “Well, I liked your slightly scruffy look,” she dropped her voice to a throaty purr,
and said it still looked a bit awkward. You have a 'beat' in there masquerading as a dialogue tag, which is why it looks wrong. Whenever there's no speech tag, the intervening narrative needs to be a new, complete sentence. So let's repunctuate as follows:

Running a fingertip along his jaw, she added, “Well, I liked your slightly scruffy look.” She dropped her voice to a throaty purr.
If we want more of a sense of immediacy, we could do it like this:
Running a fingertip along his jaw, she added, “Well, I liked your slightly scruffy look-” She dropped her voice to a throaty purr.
Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*