I'm touched. I have waited a long time for this and finally... [Linked Image] happened!!!!
This chapter was touching... poignant... thrilling... Oh, I'm speechless... [Linked Image]
The consummation of the marriage in the Christmas's time... [Linked Image] <sniff! sniff!> It was too beautiful! The complete story is so beatiful! When I read the title, I almost stopped breathing! You made my day... my weekend! I'm so happy! OMG, I'm babbling... [Linked Image]
He looked down on her, his eyes glazing over at the sight of their bodies so close together they almost touched, and in that moment he made the decision to stop thinking and just feel.
Right thing, Clark! [Linked Image]
She wanted so desperately to be able to tell him how she felt. She did love him; she knew that now, and it wasn't that she distrusted Clark... not really. It was her own emotions she doubted. There had been quite a few federal disasters in her past... and she couldn't afford another. Clark was too important to her.
I'm sorry for Lois. This broke my heart. [Linked Image] She want to put her feelings, but is so hard... Poor girl, she needs a hug! [Linked Image]
Sometime ago, she'd realized that falling in love with Clark would be so easy, but for so many complicated reasons she'd fought against that love. Only it had been too strong and giving into it was the most amazing thing she'd ever done. This was the forever kind of love and it felt great.... It felt like she'd finally come home.
How sweet... so beatiful... <sigh> [Linked Image]
Lois blinked back tears as her entire being seemed to be overtaken with Clark's love. In his eyes, she saw her future, and it was the only place she wanted to be.
<other sigh> This is pretty beautiful! [Linked Image]

I can't live without it any more... Make 88 chapters, please?! [Linked Image] Hehehehe

Ok, you can't blame me for trying... [Linked Image]

But a nfic version, maybe???? It would be fantastic... great... incredible... wonderful!!! [Linked Image]

~Andreia (who is desperately waiting the next chapter)

"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15