A conversation with another writer I had the day before the Kerths got me thinking about writing fic, and I have to wonder something: How open are you with the fact that you write and/or read Lois & Clark fic? Do you tell your family and friends, or are you totally closeted about it? Why?


For me, personally, no one knows about it except my husband. Some of my friends know I write something online (and I mentioned the Kerths on my blog, so I guess if they really wanted to know what I write, they could google "Kerth Awards" and find out) but I have never said what it is, and most of my friends and family know that I love L&C (as a show) and that I became a journalist because I wanted to be like Lois. But if I'm being truthful -- and realistic -- they tend to view this with amusement and, in some cases, eye-rolling.

And it's not that I am embarrassed about what I do, because I am proud to be part of this fandom and of the work that I have done, but I just feel it's best to not tell some people (namely, my family), what I do in my spare time -- especially since I write nfic, and G&L stories, at that.

My mother was always very judgmental about my total infatuation with L&C when it was on the air. She would say that I was "obsessed" with the show (ironically, I probably am more now) and it always had a very negative connotation for me. I think she resented the fact that Lois was my hero (read: not her), and that I wanted to be just like her, and to this day, she still comments on it.

Too bad for her that I did end up just like Lois, Kerths and all. wink

Clark: "You don't even know the meaning of the word 'humility,' do you?"

Lois: "Never had a need to find out its meaning."

"Curiosity... The Continuing Saga"