So, let's say that a couple of reporters have a baby [not naming any names here wink ]. The female does actually give birth to said child - they don't find him in the dining room or anything insane like that. However, for reasons I'm not going to get into here, the paternity of this child is in question. The male reporter, also for reasons I'm not going to get into here, has a DNA test done at a certain astrological lab [without telling the female reporter, but that's a different issue wink ]. Anyway, they don't look at the results. The other potential biological donor, a multibillionaire megalomaniacal sociopath [did I spell any of those right?] who shall also remain nameless, is now deceased [and by deceased, I mean really most sincerely dead]. The will stipulates that a certain psychologist will get everything unless a biological child shows up. Of course, 'kids' come out of the woodworks, but none of them are proven to be the biological spawn of said sociopath.

The reporter couple decides to look at the DNA results and it is eventually proven that the child is the biological child of the sociopath. As such, he is entitled to the vast majority of the fortune, but he's very young - like preschool.

Who controls the funds until he's 18 or 21 or whatever? For the sake of discussion - his parents? What can they do with it? Could they donate almost all of it to a foundation for a particular superhero? Would they pay for things like security to keep the paparazzi away and take a monthly stipend to pay for things like a home etc.?

Any idea how this might work? I'm guessing they wouldn't just have free rein with the money as it's not really theirs, but I don't know how it would work?

For the record... I'm not even sure what the DNA results are [stupid muse won't tell me], but in trying to decide [and of course, I may not know until the words actually flow through my keyboard], I'd like to know what might happen.

Thanks in advance smile .