Whoa. Thanks for the wonderfully encouraging 'welcome back', everyone! I'm delighted you enjoyed this first segment.

I'm especially pleased that so many of you made special mention of the snowbound atmosphere in this first part. My main aim here was to get across that atmosphere of smothered wood and deep snow so beautifully depicted in Frost's poem – the 'sweep of easy wind and downy flake'. I was less than convinced I'd actually made it though. As my betas will testify to, having been forced to listen to my constant whining about it not being right. goofy So it was nice to see that it worked for so many of you.

You know, I wondered as I read this why not just put the car in neutral and push it slowly into town. It'll take a long time, but at least they'll both be closer to town...I know, silly idea.
I don't think it was a silly idea at all, Nancy. I considered it but decided it wasn't viable. Which, all things considered and as you'll shortly see wink was probably a good thing as, as things turned out, it would have been a lot of wasted effort for our heroes. laugh

It's obvious you have a plot happening
Well…just a teensy one. And I got rid of it as soon as I could. Honest.

It will be interesting to get Lois' POV. It's bound to get dark and she's a target for introspection whenever she's alone.
Sunkist, you tickled me with this one. dizzy

Oh, well…if you insist. Okay…walk this way… wink

LabRat [Linked Image]

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers