Posting here is fine, but in cases where some people know certain authors better than most, it could influence the voting. For example, if Sue posts here that she thinks DJ wrote such and such a fic, I'm going to have a hard time not agreeing with her because she would know a lot better than I.

I think a poll in the polls section would work best, because each person can vote for each one and then afterwards see whether or not they were with the majority and/or plurality. Plus, it would save you tallying them up.

I would still say to post guesses here like we did before but as for the actual voting...

I think, therefore, I get bananas.

When in doubt, think about time travel conundrums. You'll confuse yourself so you can forget what you were in doubt about.

What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence?
I don't know and I don't care one way or the other.