"I shouldn't have carried on a conversation past telling him I'm not available."

"Are you, Lois?" Clark turned and looked directly at her. He couldn't help it. He had to know where she stood.

Lois stared into Clark's deep, dark eyes for a long moment before she answered. While she might not be married in the true sense of the word, was she really prepared to embarrass Clark by openly dating another man? "No," was softly spoken.
Maybe my language comprehension is off or we say things differently here. Wouldn't Lois say "yes" in agreement with the previous statement? Or is she saying "No" as in "I'm not sure."

blush Oh dear I am BLUSHING that I'm a bit confused here. blush

Maybe I shouldn't ask for guidance and just let it slide...............................

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.