Hmmmm... it seems we are at a sticky place with our two friends right now.

To some point, I can understand Lois' behavior... I mean I can understand it from her perspective (you guys have done an excellent job of making her real, btw), but it is painful nonetheless.

The painting scene was nice- even with the underlying theme of Clark being kicked out of his normal living space. I just wish Lois would realx more, instead of tensing up with the whole marriage thing... makes me wanna slap her and say 'you made the decision, deal with it!'

Okay, now that I have recollected myself (stop the violence wink )...

I wonder what it is going to take for Lois to realize that she *does* have reomantic feeling Clark (because we all know she does) and stop the torture! As sick as he is, this new additional stress is not good for his health or attitude. He certainly cannot fly to the farm everyday... maybe he'll just move completely, stop working and sulk... he seems headed in that direction.

With my thankfully limited experience with terminal illnesses, it seems that if the patient is upbeat and has a supportive emotional atmosphere, they do much better. Once they have decided that they are tired of fighting or when it sinks in that people around them are treating them as if they are dying, though, things go downhill pretty fast. We'll have to wait and see how this plays out here.

Sorry for the long post! To make a long story short , I am really enjoying the story! I look forward to reading more soon.

In fact, I wouldn't be adverse to a sooner-than-expected posting... but I'm not picky wildguy


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles