
Great part. thumbsup

How, he wondered, had she managed to track him down? In all the excitement of last night and this morning, he'd not thought to give her his address, only his phone number. Clearly, though, her sources had come through for her again.

He opened the door, his smile broadening into a delighted grin and said, "Come in, come in! I've only just got in myself, and I've put the kettle on, if you want a cup of tea."

He turned back, expecting her to follow. The brief curious glance she cast over his apartment was not lost on him, but she made no comment to indicate whether or not she approved of what he'd done with it. "We don't have time for tea," she said, all business. "I need you to come with me."

CJ turned around, his expression a question. "Where to?"

"I'll explain on the way."

CJ shrugged, but didn't protest. Instead, he swept up his jacket from where he'd left it hanging over the banisters and, pausing only to lock his front door after him, he followed her back down to the street.
He never turn off the kettle. eek

More soon, please.

MAF laugh

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.