More input from across the Pond. Yes, my friends and I learnt finger spelling, probably at Brownies or something, and used it a lot to talk to each other.

I know of people who know pig latin and use it. I also had two friends (who'd known each other since they were babies) who had a different language that worked in a similar way, rearranging the words. They never shared it with the rest of us, and I'm never quite sure where they learnt it from. Frustratingly, I could understand what they were saying, but I could never figure out how they made the words, so I couldn't reply...

More recently, I've learnt some BSL (British Sign Language to those who don't know), and I've found it very useful for communicating with colleagues when we're stuck in long, drawn out meetings (bull**** is particularly useful) clap


Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.

Intelligence is not putting them in a fruit salad.