Got my DVD.....
being on a mac, I never expected an autoplay. I just looked for a file that looked central, like an index file. Found one, and it took me to the main menu in an internet browser-style page. Any mac people out there should have similar ease in getting it to launch.

My computer died yesterday and I'm on a borrowed one, away from my DVD, so I can't reference specific stories of videos by name. But there was a video with the "condensed" and fast history of LnC... TOO Funny. I howled.

The stories I've read so far have been awesome. I want my laptop back so I can crawl into bed and snuggle with my monitor and read. Hard to do with a desktop. Pout.

To all of you who worked on the DVD: thanks. To all of you debating on whether or not to send money: send money. Now.


Jackie N.