I think I'm coherent enough to post on this thread now...

As anyone who was there last night will know, I was utterly gobsmacked at the result of the final award. I mean, I was already astounded, shocked and delighted by the earlier honours FoLCs had bestowed on my stories, but the Best Overall award was so completely unexpected I almost fell off my chair. As many people know, I had been completely convinced that one was going to a certain story many, many people were raving over about a year ago. goofy I even had 'Congratulations, CC!' already typed on my input line, ready to hit enter!

Thank you sounds so inadequate, but I mean it so sincerely. For When You Say You Love Me, everyone who posted comments, Sara for BRing at very short notice, Kaethel for having a birthday a year ago and prompting me to write it, wink and everyone who nominated and voted for it.

For 24 Hours, all the wonderful, kind FoLC who were so faithful with comments, yelling, threats and so on while I was posting it; Yvonne, Kaethel and Dave, who all BRed parts of it - it was a bleedin' monster, no surprise no-one had time to BR the lot! - Sara and Pam and a few other IRC FoLCs who so kindly gave me instant reactions to scenes when I needed it, especially on the final ones; everyone who nominated and/or voted for the story. And everyone who propped me up last night at the ceremony! goofy

I may be taking a break from Lois and Clark fanfic-writing at the moment, but you've made me feel so happy and proud to be a part of this fandom. Thank you all very much again.

Congratulations, too, to all of the other winners. Many of my favourites got awards last night and I was delighted to see it. But every story nominated was a winner, IMO - it's just a shame that there's only one award per category. clap

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*