If the square root of two x squared minus three x minus ten equals x, then x equals... what? (or is that even how you would read that equation out loud?)
Yes. Although most people would probably flip that around. "If x equals the square root of..."

And that probably is a good one to use. I've been browsing around looking for more complex stuff (with solutions) because I'm kind of rusty and not that good at putting these things together off the top of my head.

I mean, it does get a lot more complex and tricky than the algebra in Annette's equation, but I'm not sure how much this guy can really do in his head. And some of the trickier ones look simple on paper.

I'll keep thinking. And maybe dig up some of my old math and engineering homework...

Or you could just use Annette's example, which does seem to fit the situation.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.