It was A Perfect Valentine\'s Day: The Dream Comes True by Raquel Guimaraes. We had been emailing each other for a couple of months before she first posted this one on Zoomway's. She had told me about fanfiction (I remember my shock at thinking 'wow! This thing really exists??' I had been writing fanfic for years, thinking I was the only person in the world indulging in such a weird habit. Boy, was I wrong laugh ) and given me links to the Archive, Zoomway's boards and the ficlist - which didn't come at very handy at first, because everything looked so big and complicated to me... blush I went to the boards to read that story, though, because it was hers, and then I thought 'hey, maybe it would be worth it to give it a shot!' So I started writing (in English, for the first time) and reading from the boards - next fic I read was Anna Belcher's Tiny Pieces , while I also started reading Alicia U.'s Medical Miracles , which she had just started posting in parts.

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...