a) when a certain person is sitting in this church pretending to pray, could they tell from squinting sideways from under their hands whether or not the man who's just approached them is the minister/pastor/priest or not (ie, would he be wearing a cassock);

b) how I should refer to said minister/pastor/priest in the narrative.
a) unless said person is personally familiar with the pastor, no -- there'd be no special clothing to tip them off. There might be clues, but nothing obvious.

b) not sure -- if I were referencing one of my church's pastors, I'd say "Pastor Chad" or "Pastor Jeff" but I think face-to-face in conversation, I'd probably just use their first names. And then sometimes I'm not sure, so I avoid the issue by not calling them anything in particular smile

Oh, and I agree with everyone who said Smallville would have more than one church. Probably 90% or more of the population would profess to be Christian of one type or another (whether they actually go to church would be another issue, but still).

who really should go read her email... tomorrow morning...

"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K