Forgot about Myxie.

What he is depends on your definition, of course. What we know is that he's a being from the "5th dimension," and that coming from a "higher level of reality" gives him special abilities in our world.

The idea is kind of like this: If you lived in a two dimensional world, a line would be like a wall to you. There'd be no way past it. But someone from a 3D world would be able to jump over it. Someone from a 3D world would be able to do all sorts of things like that which seem completely impossible to someone from a 2D world. So, it'd seem like magic powers. Depending on how you define magic, it might even be magical powers.

From our perspective, Myxie is a magical creature, and he's generally written as such. Whether or not his abilities are technicaly magical in nature is up to debate.

Oh, and Baron Sunday didn't just use hypnotism. He used Voodoo (Baron Sunday is, I believe, the Voodoo god of death -- like the Grim Reaper, but with more powers and a willingness to interfere with matters of the living), a form of magic which employs hypnotism as one of its tools, but with an extra magical backing. Can't remember whether or not there was an actual magical component to the villain from Illusions of Grandeur. There was that magic box, but they never explained whether or not that was a trick. <shrug>


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.