Okay, I googled this so I know I'm right. smile

This is Rapture in Metropolis by Wendy Richards and Kaethel.

I read it, I loved it and I really suck at remembering titles and authors so I resorted to googling. blush

Okay on to my quote from one of the stories I re-read every so often:

Now it was his turn to be serious. He moved even closer
to her. "Why aren't I throwing you out the door? Hmmm ...
well, first of all, that's not how I work. Secondly, why
would I want to do that when all morning long, I've been
hoping you'd come through that very door?"
I know it short but I hope that won't cause too many problems.

Guess and google away!


"I get it, you're a ghost. You're dead. Big accomplishment, move on. You see a light anywhere? Go towards it okay?"

Cordelia in 'Rm w/a Vu' - Angel episode 1x05