Nan! I've been reading many of your stories lately. I just finished... Mystery last night. I have to reread it b/c I missed the part where Clark tells Lois of his feelings. Lois mentioned that he loves her and I was like "what?!" LOL.

I enjoyed the premise and the introduction of new characters in a different setting. I enjoy this genra of LnC.

I was spooked when they were stuck in the mine. I felt like I was stuck in there too.

Well I found 'book 2' and I was like yesss!!! and then nooo!!! b/c I had to go to bed. Since it looks like it will be a snow day I shall read it later today.


EDIT - I think I figured out why I was confused (above). I think I got it mixed up with a new fic that is being posted at the moment. *blush*

It is still an awesome!!!!!! Now I know what is fab!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.