I know I've been harping about Lois since this story began, and that's because I care about Loises. I can see that she is making some progress, that the internal spark that fuels the feisty, take-charge Lois Lane is being felt from time to time. She still is fraught with insecurities but it's nice to see that she is doing more thinking for herself and not letting others dictate her behavior. Her blow up with Francine was a good indicator, though I somehow think if Francine was any decent sort of therapist she'd be pleased by Lois' reaction.

On the other hand, Clark is a whiney, mopey, pouting child who doesn't deserve this Lois, as flawed as she may be. So I say, for the sake of Lois, dump Clark. Have him eaten by a large shark with kryptonite teeth or something, just get rid of him.

I can offer a suggestion as to who could replace him?

Tank (who wonders how Clark ever held a job as a reporter based on his obvious investigative ineptitude revealed in his conversation with Lois)