Great idea! Just a few more who popped into my head as I was reading this...

  • Caroline McKenna - After Midnight! Haven't heard from you in ages...

  • Nqoire - the Murder books! Dying to know what happens next...

  • I know it's been mentioned before, but Pel... Once Upon a December, Pretty Woman, that ToGoM fic I swore never ever to talk about in public [oops evil ] and all those other WIPs you've been promising me lately, which I also promised never to tell anybody about wink And fanfic trailers too, of course!! You're such a talented bird, I'm sure that doing all of them won't be that much strain on you wink

  • Saskia - you do know that I'm expecting more of Lost Without You in my mailbox soon, right?

  • EDIT: Oops! How could I have forgotten? blush While I fully agree that Kaethel should write and post Near Wild Heaven II sooner rather than later, this is just a friendly little reminder that there is still one half of a rather important little challenge to be completed... I really should have set a deadline. Anyway... just a thought, as usual, Kae! evil

And, of course, ditto everybody else!!! wildguy wildguy

Sara smile

Death: Easy, Bill. You'll give yourself a heart attack and ruin my vacation.

Meet Joe Black