I posted this on the fic list, but I thought I'd post it here too:

Alas, I'm much better at digging up old quizzes than old statistics. smile I can tell you that there were approximately 45 new authors eligible for the 2002 Kerths, who had first published stories in 2001. I cite this from my BNA quiz, dated January 10th, 2002:

Here is Kerth Quiz #4: Best New Author. Even now, years after LnC went off the air, FoLCdom is still attracting new authors with fresh, marvelous talent. Ain't it grand? smile This category is our way of giving our newest contributors an extra opportunity to win some well-deserved recognition for their efforts. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Three cheers for FoLCdom, the friendliest, most supportive, and most encouraging fandom on the internet!

As I did last year, I arbitrarily stopped this quiz at fifteen entries. This does not imply that the other thirty (!) new authors that are *not* on this quiz are any less worthy of nomination!
I have no idea what the numbers are this year. Stats aren't my forte. I'll stick to filks. wink And, naturally, quizzes. laugh I will mention that the archive continues to have wonderfully diverse fics; by the time Meredith and I (and Cindy and Laura) finished posting all the Kerth quizzes, we'd used just about every single story over 50K that was eligible on the archive -- and, of course, most of those below 50K too. And that doesn't even include those that were recommended in addition to the quizzes! I think that also shows that while the Kerth categories do need occasional tweaking, our K-Comm is doing a marvelous job of covering all the bases and allowing most good fics to get their moments in the spotlight. smile1

Hazel, who has Best Comedy Quiz all ready to go for January 1st goofy

Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827