Thought I'd post this before I go to bed because I'm afraid I will forget in the morning. Since the 1st is BR appreciate day, I just want to say thank you to my wonderful BR's. Believe me, if I were to post without a BR, it would be a scary situation. Thankfully, I have a couple wonderful BR's that help me fine tune things before anyone else sees a story.

I've worked with several wonderful BR's in my time, but I have to say a special thanks to Carol Malo and to Saskia. The words they both put up with from me most often are "I haven't written anything new in awhile." or something like that. But still, whenever I manage to send them a piece of a fic, they are quick to help. Their insightful comments often help me see things in a new light, and never fail to make whatever it is I'm writing better.

I first worked with Carol when she was my GE for Shattered nearly two years ago. (Believe me, she had her work cut out for her, Shattered was my first attempt at writing fanfic and it wasn't pretty!) wink After all the work she put into helping me make Shattered archive worthy, I was pleasantly surprised when she offered to BR my next story.

Saskia and I were first paired when we both were working on writing something for Anna's birthday, since then, we've stuck together. She has this great ability of pointing out things I never considered.

I've also worked with many other BR's in the short two years since I discovered fanfic, and each one helped me to write a better story in one way or another.

And then, there are great BR's that I haven't had the opportunity to work with, but they have helped other authors along the way and I've erad the stories. So to each of you who spend time reading through a story, trying to help the author make it better, thanks.

Again, to Carol and Saskia, thank you. Your help on the fics I write is more important to me than either of you realize! thumbsup

Jana (who really is going to bed now!)

P.S. LOL I just have to say that I spelled appreciation wrong when I first posted this. Goes to show just how valuable a BR really is...

"Don't you people have lives?!?" ~Joe on Wings

"An eternal, burning flame. Hope lives on and love remains." ~from Love Remains, by Collin Raye