Stepping out of lurkdom here a moment to give my unwanted $0.02. I don't see this Lois as being weak at all. Victimised and traumatized certainly; but not weak. Well, maybe just a bit in one area, but I'll explain.

When it comes to others, Lois is still the strong, independent thinking Lois I know an love. Especially with Clark. She demanded to be allowed to take Clark home when he got ambushed with the red K. She set up a tour of the Daily Planet by herself. She's figured out that Clark is holding out on her, and it's got her wondering. She's coming up with her own plans to get the information she wants. There is a drive there to get the unknown. She schemes and plans, going behind the backs of her therapist to do it. She set up an alternate appointment with George with out asking. She eavsdropped and snooped when she shouldn't. She left her apartment to go shopping without asking (granted she didn't have to) and she chose to hid her experience from them. She's the same, strong, jump-in-without-checking-the-level-first Lois as before.

With one exception. She can't forgive herself for getting into trouble in the first place. And that unforgiveness is her weakness. It causes the cracks in the foundation to show, and yes, makes her more real. Her real weakness is herself.
