Schoolmarm wrote:

As far as not caring to improve one's writing, since "it's only fanfic" -- all I can say is I agree with Gerry. It's still craft, and Erin K. certainly has proven that it can lead to bigger things.
Bigger, yes. But I'm not sure "better" (as the saying goes wink ) necessarily applies. I'm really learning a ton as my novel is going through the editing process right now (Labby, can I just say I love you as an EIC after starting this process? wink ), but I'll tell ya, LNC fanfiction will always be my first love. And I can't WAIT to return to it! grumble )

It was interesting and informative discussions like this one that started me on the path to honing my craft (so thanks for posting this, Marilyn! I enjoyed reading it!), but I certainly have a long way to go before I can consider my craft honed. dizzy To be honest, I still feel humbled (and often intimidated!) by all you talented writers around these parts. Sure, I may have gotten lucky enough to get a toe in the door, but you guys can still write rings around ME. :p

Back to lurking and reading and trying to learn as much as I can from you talented writers... smile


I often feel sorry for people who don't read good books; they are missing a chance to lead an extra life. ~ Scott Corbett ~