You're right, Laura - I have no idea where I'm finding the time! But I am managing to get some writing done in between all the other stuff, so I can post a new part now. Be warned that in a week's time we're taking off for a four-week trip around Canada and at that point internet access is likely to be very erratic, as will writing time. Sas, I think there is a chance I'll be finished before 20 September - it all depends on how things go on the trip, but I'll do my best!

Anyway... Yes, Nan, Clark is definitely paranoid about touching people, and he will realise that pretty soon. But then there's the question of how he gets over his fear... so that will have to be resolved too. sad

Glad that you guys like the Lex bit too; mind you, I think he'd have some difficulty trying to hurt Clark, but one never knows. eek Shark-infested waters, Nan? ROFL! lol

Anyway, Part 15 coming up very shortly. Thanks, all of you, for your comments!!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*