I'm not sure what I can say here. This is typically very well written and the characters seem very real, but...

At first reading this felt like excess. Almost like the angst was being loaded on for angst sake, or even padding. But then upon further consideration the events do flow logically from the situations you've described. But it does bring up some 'deeper' problems.

I can't help but feel that there is more to Lois' experiences in Brazzaville than she is 'remembering'. I get the impression that she has not remembered things the way they actually happened. Something more terrible than just her capture and suggestive cruel harassment had to have happened for Lois to have been 'damaged' as badly as she seems to be.

There also seems to be a definite conflict of interest going on here with George. I have a hard time believing that he'd consider seeing Lois once he knew that her main problem dealt with Clark. Realistically he should have made his apologies and excused himself from her case. Of course, that would have deprived us seeing Lois with your excellant supporting character of George.

What this appears to have come down to is two people, who on the surface may seem to be getting better, but in truth are so screwed up that there seems little hope that they could ever, realistically, get together as a couple. Their psychological problems and baggage are just too overwhelming to get past.

It's almost like the only way for them to 'work things out' is for their therapy to be a foursome; Lois and Clark, Francine and George.

Tank (who not only wonders if Lois and Clark will ever get together, but if they should)