Ok, let's see, where do I start?

First, sorry for being so late; I've been doing some studying (unfortunately, not much laugh )

I want to congratulate all the winners and all the nominees as well, because I believe that being nominated is in tiself an honor.

Second, and really important, is thanking the Alt-K comm for tehir hard work all along, with the eligibility process, nominations and, later, voting. Anna, Saskia (and Jana, even if she's no longer a part of the comm) you diud and amazing job with everything and put together a great ceremony (at least the bit I could see).

I really am sorry to have missed most of it; I could never regret it enough. I'd invited my friends for lunch but since we're all midway through our finals, they asked me if it could be turned into a late dinner, adn I couldn't bring myself to tell them that it couldn't happen because there was an IRC award ceremony I really wanted to attend frown

Ayway, I want to thank everyone who nominated and votod my story : Motivo... (Reason). This meant a lot for me. I hope you don't mind I also use this folder to thank the people I should have thanked on Saturday: first, the person who, unfortunately, inspired this story, wherever she may be. Thanks as well to Jose for his encouragement adn Tricia, for being there for everyone of my stories so far and, hopefully, for future ones too. I know I couldn't get rid of Jose even if I tried, so... :p And last (I promise), thanks to Bobbet, for helping me with the translation. Without your help, it could have never come so close to the original thing. Thanks a lot!

Wow, this is longer than I expected. SOrry guys blush

