Good instalment.

Since it's been awhile it took a few moments to get back into the flow of the story, but once I did... bam!

I was never too fond of the Slade Wilson/Deathstroke character in the comics. They seemed to swing him back and forth between reluctant hero and villian whenever it was convenient. Too much ambivalence. But your Slade is definitely not a nice man. Keep him in character.

Your Lois continues to live up to my high expectations and I'm enjoying her mental confusion as to what to do about her 'partner'.

You also continue to use the comic book supporting cast very well. I like the dynamic between Maggie Sawyer and Lois.

Anothe solid instalment. More, sooner.

Tank (who figures that Lois and Clark will have a few more bumps to get over before things get to running smoothly between them)