Dropping in to say thanks and issue an apology...

Thank you so much for your comments on this part! And especially in relation to Lex, and Lois's monologue to Clark. I'm really delighted that you liked that.

Now, the apology: today/tomorrow is The Big Move, and I don't know when I'll be back online again - it all depends on when we're in a hotel with a reasonably-priced internet connection (eg tonight's hotel charges something like £20/hour, which is not reasonable. eek ). So I'm afraid that Part 13 will be delayed - I'm sorry about that, but it can't be helped. As people are currently standing over me waiting for me to shut this laptop down so it can be packed, I don't have time to post now.

Don't Be A Stranger will be back, and I hope you'll all still be keen to read more when I do finally manage to get back online.

Thanks again,

Wendy (making her last post from the European side of the Atlantic)

Just a fly-by! *waves*