Lois is walking down the street by herself, on her way to Clark's apartment. Suddenly, a windowless white van pulls up to the curb next to her. The door opens up and..


Lois turns to look. In the shadowed interior of the van, she can just make out the shapes of what seems to be...people? In...pointy hats? Something in the shadows jumps out, landing in front of her.

Lois gapes at the huge, yellow-fanged face grinning at her.


"An orangutan?!" Lois exclaims.

As she stares, blinking, the ape reaches out and snatches the book she'd been carrying to Clark's.

"Hey!" she snaps. "I need that for a story!"


He swings himself back into the van.

Lois tries getting the attention of the men inside. "Hey, your monkey just stole my--"

There's chaos and swearing, and the door slams shut, muffling the sounds of old men trying to calm an angry ape. She can just make out "--not the 'M' word!" and "'Step on it', arch-chancellor!" and suddenly, the van roars away.

( Two challenges with one stone! laugh )
