Hey, why not. When it comes to writing, this is about my speed. And sorry if they're not technically accurate. smile


There was a young man called Clark
Who proposed to his love in the park
She turned him down
Which sure made him frown
So he went home to sulk in the dark.


There was an old doctor named Lane
Whose ideas were all quite inane
Fake lips made of rubber?!
His family did shudder
Even Mick Jagger would think it insane.


Perry White was a fan of the King
He’d sometimes shout out without thinking
“Great shades of Elvis!”
His wife couldn’t take this
It eventually drove her to drinking.


She thought he was shy of commitment
His excuses left her needing treatment
I’ve got books to renew
And my rent’s overdue
I’m awaiting my Cheese of the Month shipment

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.