Carol wrote:
Superman was but a chapter in her life, although of course a very pleasant chapter.
I agree, this is interesting. But I think that even if this is Ultra Woman's tale, there should be some explanation of how she secured his genetic material.

Did she seduce him? If so, how would Lois react?

Did she impersonate Lois? If so, was it before or after they "crossed the intimacy threshold?"

Did she befuddle him with her alien powers so that he doesn't remember what happened?

Do Clark and Lois have any children now? Do they have powers yet? Will they resent this interloper or take him/her into their family? Are they even supposed to know about this older half-sibling?

So many fascinating possibilities to explore. Someone should definitely go for it, assuming someone hasn't already done so.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing