I finally got around to doing one. Tell me what you think! smile


I guess I'd always been a little jealous of Superman. I know, it probably doesn't make much sense to you, especially since we're practically made of the same stuff.

Still, that's what made it all the more annoying....to see the looks of adoration, desire, and open glee that were *constantly* bestowed on him, whereas I mereley blended into the background.

The differences are only superficial. If anything, I feel I'm softer and more people-friendly. Yet still, everyone seemed to be enthralled with him. From the day he first appeared, he was everyone's first choice.

Then she appeared.

I must confess; I loved her from the moment I saw her, but I had been disappointed so often in the past. I was afraid that she would be just like all the others, and choose Superman over me.

But she surprised me.

When the time came for her to choose, I braced myself for rejection again, but much to my astonishment, she smiled and took me into her arms!

It was then I knew that this was true love.

We've only grown closer over the months. Those little hugs...those moments snuggled up to her in bed, just watching her sleep...I live for those. I'm the one who she turns to when she's crying and doesn't want anyone else to know. I comfort her when she's lonely. I'm even there when she needs to rant and scream and let her anger out on *someone*, *anyone*.

Lately, she's started seeing that Clark fellow. I'm okay with that, as long as he makes her happy. He certainly seemed nice enough to me when we first met. Although, when I first overheard his secret, I couldn't help but sigh.

He's a Superman.
