This will only make sense if you've watched daytime television in the U.S.:

Lois has been asked to appear on the "Manny Novitch" show to discuss successfully balancing motherhood and a career, and to bring Clark along too.

Once the show starts, the host says: "Lois, we know there have been tabloid rumors about you and Superman, and we thought we'd put those to rest for once and for all. So we've secretly obtained DNA samples from your son, your husband, and Superman, and had them tested to determine who is actually the father of your baby. We've asked Superman to join us but apparently he couldn't make it, but we hope he can hear us wherever he is. (Hands Clark an envelope and holds a second one in his hand. Opens his envelope.) Superman, this says that you are the father! (Grabs Clarks' envelope and opens it.) But this says that Clark, you are the father! How could this happen?"

(Lois wakes from her nap, screaming.)