Opening scene:

Lois Lane is sitting at her desk trying not to gnaw on her nails as she watchted the TV screen.

If there was ever a time when the world needed Superman, but no he'd gone, left Earth for his duties on New Krypton.

Lois felt more alone than ever which was ridiculous as she'd not spoken to Superman more than twice in the months after Clark's death.

Lois sighed. She knew why of course, for one her rant at him for not saving Clark had raised a huge wall between them.

Second, after Clark's death Lois had stop taking foolish risks. She hadn't needed Superman to save her at all in the months after Clark had died.

It had taken Superman's leaving to wake her up, the world's criminals has seen his departure as a sign, go forth and commit mayhem and murder.

Hear ye hear ye, now is the time, gather ye forces of evil. Rob and loot, desecrate, desolate, despoil, devastate, pillage, sack, s maraud, strip, lay waste. In short do your worst for Superman is gone!!

In the background she imagined she heard that familiar swoosh. She hear the normal chatter and murmur of the newsroom increase in tone and volume.

"Lois Lane"!! An incredulous voice said.

Lois turned to find herself facing a masked woman in a low cut skin tight pink bodysuit with a teal cape.

"You were expecting Woodward and Bernstein" Lois made it clear how she felt about masked women in slutty Halloween costumes.

"No Clark Kent." the woman replied as she gathered her legs up under her sitting in the air.

Lois stared "He's dead, died almost two years ago gunned down by a resurrected 1930s mobster." "And who are you?"

The woman paused briefly, "Ultra Woman".
