Hmm, I decided to write a little something this week while at work. I also changed the thread title to something that describes the challenge a bit more (but not really). This is just a snippet and I would probably totally rework it if I ever did sit down to do an actual story. I will be honest and tell you that I am totally guessing on the name of the Smallville newspaper. I would need a seriously hard *** beta if I did do this one since I am horrible with details and often don't think to explain everything or go into details on certain scenes. But oh the temptation is so there... this was going to be my NanoWriMo project but now I don't have time to participate... maybe this can be an ongoing project for me instead. Any interest in a story along these lines? Someone just want to write it for me? LOL

She turned around to greet him and as soon as her face came into view he knew that something had happened to spark some life into her. Since finding out she was being sent on assignment to "Nowheresville" she had been unhappy and downright rude. At the moment however, she was smiling at him with those big brown eyes of hers and in them he could see excitement and... a bit of fear? Now this was an interesting development. What could she possibly have run across to cause this reaction, especially here in Smallville?

"I thought I'd drop by to see if you had found anything interesting out here in the middle of nowhere for your story." He paused and gave her an inquiring look. "But from the look on your face I would say you must have one heck of a scoop already."

At this an even larger smile lit up her face. For a moment his breath caught in his throat as he stared at her. How could someone as beautiful as her get so much more breathtaking? He wasn't sure how, but from the look on her face something big had definitely happened since she had visted his alter-ego earlier that day.

Clark stumbled over that thought for a moment. When did he start thinking of Clark as the alter-ego and Kal as the real thing? Since Lois had come along the lines between the two personas had quickly started to become blurred. This would have been so much easier if she would never have met Clark. Now he was going to have to play a cat and mouse game to keep her from finding out the truth behind her new best friend. He had been so open with her as Kal because he had counted on her never stumbling upon his real identity.

Sighing to himself, Clark realized that Lois was launching into her story.

"Well I did get some more info on my story. I met with Clark Kent the editor of the Smallville Post today and we had a nice chat about some of the strange occurrences around here. He was pretty diplomatic about the whole thing but luckily I could see through a lot of his flimsy excuses and answers. You know I read some of his articles before meeting him, and for someone with so much talen he really is a boring guy. Everything that came out of his mouth was so calculated and over thought."

Lois motioned for him to sit down and continued on excitedly, "Are you sure you haven't been around this area before? I talked to some of the locals here and they have some pretty amazing stories. I mean maybe there are more people like you? There could have been more than one spaceship that landed here. Do you know how amazing that would be to know that you have more people like you? Someone who you could relate to on a different level than the rest of us. I mean not that you are strange or don't fit in. I think you are pretty wonder…"

She stopped suddenly as if realizing she had been babbling, "Anyway, what do you think?"

It took Clark a few moments to catch up with the babble. Leave it to Lois to have already figured out that there was something extraordinary going on in Smallville. Just how much had people in town revealed? Hopefully nothing that would give her any indication that any of the strange stories were somehow linked to Clark Kent. Hopefully, no one would point out the fact that a certain local report just happened to be at many of the accidents and strrange events. Knowing Lois, she would definitely be able to piece things together if they had.

"Kal? What do you think?"

Clark jolted himself out of his inner monologue and realized that Lois was talking to him.

"About what?"

"About the fact that there could be more people from your race right here in Smallville? Isn't that the least bit exciting to you? I mean there is probably someone walking around right here in the middle of the country who could be Kyptonian! Maybe he or she doesn't even realize what they are or are looking for someone just like you! This is big Kal… Really big! Of course I couldn't print it unless we talked them into coming out publicly but just think of the possibilities! So are you in?"


"Are you going to help me track them down? I'm pretty sure this Clark Kent knows more than he is letting on. No one that stiff and formal can be for real. I think I should go back and interview him again. Maybe ask to look through the Smallville Post's archives for strange stories…"

As Lois continued to list out her plans, Clark had a sudden sinking feeling. Unless he could stop her, it wouldn't be long before Lois put the pieces of this puzzle together and with Mad Dog Lane on the case… Superman didn't stand a chance.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!