Well, it killed me knowing this was posted and not being able to get to this before now. I love that feeling, btw, when there's something I'm just dying to read.

This is one of my favorites:

Logic is bad. Very very bad. She said that those Kryptonians prided themselves on making logic-based decisions, although it sounds more like they made evil-based decisions… but what do I know? I don’t know anything. My brain took a vacation this morning, and it clearly isn’t planning on returning any time soon. Logic? Screw logic!

“Screw logic,” he said, his voice husky with the emotions he was now feeling. “I don’t live my life that way. I’m talking about feelings. Emotions. Real, and raw. I love you. I don’t ever want to live my life without you. And that’s why it seems ‘right’ to ask you this now.”
I love how he draws the difference, very deliberately, between himself and the Kryptonians, first in his own mind, and then outloud. That for him it is his heart leading him, a purely spontaneous proposal.

And, second, I really loved Lois's reflection when she showed up at his door dressed to kill. The way they used to approach each other, how he was afraid to shut the door behind her, or that her first sight of him was going to throw her off.

Loved how the simple act of her walking over the threshold demonstrates how very, very far this couple has come. That what seemed impossible is now so very possible, and not in a contrived way, but a very real way. Which is what makes this story so good, gives it such an emotional punch.

And ohh...can't wait to see what's next, two years from now or two weeks, whichever, it's worth the wait!


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
