My friend's sister just told me about "Canon Pairings" and "Crack pairings" in fanfiction.

Canon Pairings, she says, are of course relationships that are strongly or moderately implied in the story/show's canon (e.g., Lois and Lex; Clark and Mayson; etc).

Crack pairings, she continues, are relationship pairings that are so bizarre and out of left field, that the fanfic author must have been on crack when he/she came up with them (e.g., Lex and Ralph).

So...that got me to thinking... evil

What outrageous Crack Pairings can you all come up with?

Yes, FoLCs, it's time to take keyboard in one hand, ...sugar... in the other, and dodge the cops! Write about the most off-the-wall romance you can think of! laugh
