Well, no one actually attempted to kill me for writing this, which was a bit of a surprise. laugh Not that I'm not grateful, you understand... Even more so that you managed to enjoy the humour!

How long did it take you to recover from writing this?
I'll let you know if it happens, Toc. I'm no longer getting the nightmares, but when I see a kitten my eyes still cross, and I have to put a paper bag over my head and break out the emergency chocolate... wink

And no, Kathy - it was nowhere near as easy to write as I thought it was going to be! Especially searching for the hundredth Tom Swifty! :p

Saskia - yes, I did leave a few clues lying around - the ficus, the jumper, the Blackadder allusion ("antidiestablishmentarianism") and the fact that the Mary Sue was an elec eng - but I imagine it's hard to concentrate on clues when your brain's trying to strangle you for reading this sort of stuff. wink

Thanks again, everyone, for enjoying it! party


A diabolically, fiendishly clever mind. Possibly someone evil enough to take over the world. CC Aiken, Can You Guess the Writer? challenge